I have officially finished my second mini quilt! This one was for the month of June in the STUD (Swap Till You Drop) mini quilt swap group. I was lucky to be partnered up with sweetteamom. Our theme for the month was "Movies."
Initially, I was really excited about the theme and thought it would be easy coming up with a concept. Movies are an endless source of inspiration, right? The idea was to send your partner your favourite movie as inspiration for the mini they were to make you. Neither my partner or I could decided on just one movie as inspiration (the first of many problems) so we each sent a list of 5 movies (and a tv show!) for each other to choose from. I sent: Up, Toy Story, Garden State, Willy Wonka (the original), The Office and The Big Bang Theory. Sweetteamom sent: Willy Wonka (the new one), Beauty and the Beast, Pirates of the Caribbean, Psych, Breakfast at Tiffany.
Her list is pretty great! Originally I had thought about doing the iconic picture of Audrey Hepburn from the Breakfast at Tiffany poster. Then I thought about the opening scene from Sound of Music. When both of those concepts failed, I turned to "Favourite Things." (As it turns out, my partner was having some trouble coming up with a working concept as well so we agreed to extend our June 30 deadline and try again.)

I`m not really sure how "Favourite Things" slipped my mind to begin with. Who hasn't had that song stuck in their head before? (Before I go any further I should make the shocking confession that ... wait for it ... I have never actually seen The Sound of Music. I know!! I'll have to remedy that soon.)
After many hours spent cruising Flickr for inspiration, I decided that rather than a whole lot of applique (which I am currently boycotting because I want to by some Lite Steam a Seam 2 but refuse to pay the marked up prices of The Store That Shall Not Be Named) I would try my hand at foundation piecing. I figured I could try it out in preparation for (hopefully) someday making the Geese in the Forest quilt by Twiddletails, and if it turns out I hated it then it would only have to be for this quilt.
It took me days to either track down or create the patterns for the first five items in the Favourite Things song. It was painful. But it's done, and I'm happy. Other than the foundation piecing (which I may just be crazy enough to try again, and only because Twiddletails makes it look easy) I got a chance to try some embroidery. My favourite bit is the phrase "these are a few of my favourite things". I grabbed a couple of fonts off Word and traced the words onto the fabric before embroidering so it would be perfect.
I sure hope sweetteamom likes it!