I hadn't yet given much thought to what I would make for the Anything Goes category, but last week I recieved this:

Is that not absolutely amazing? CASharp, my partner for the Anything Goes category is clearly a pro. Not only is the pattern cute and bright but it is full of extra bits and pieces that you have to look closely to appreciate. How about the fact that it's all hand quilted? How about the perfectly mitered corners or the little buttons? How about the millions of tiny bits of embroidery including what I can only estimate to be more than 100 french knots?

The back is just as cute:

Oh yes, and there was a pile of goodies included in the package. Thread, and a magazine and fat quarters - she is just too generous!!
Obviously this fantastic partner is in store for more than just an ordinary old mini quilt. I try to make something unique and special and well crafted for everyone I swap with, but sometimes even with all my effort I'm not necessarily happy with the end result. (See Favourite Things mini.)
I decided that since I have always wanted to play with half square triangles and zig zags in particular that I should try it out on CASharp. I immediately went to my favourite scrap bin - the blue and green one! Out came a pile of bits and pieces from such wonderful designers as Amy Butler, Joel Dewberry and Joelle Hoverson, and I couldn't be stopped. This is one of those magical projects (like the Wonky Baby Girl quilt) that even though it is labor intensive, the sheer beauty of the fabrics compels you to keep on going.

Boy did I get a lesson in how time consuming half square triangles are! I started with squares 2.5" square, sewed them together using this technique (oh and finally tried chain piecing - what was I thinking sewing piles of pieces any other way??). I then ironed them all with the seams to the dark side, trimmed them all down to 2" square and then started the lay out.
This is what I came up with:

I am absolutely tickled by this! I couldn't be happier with the calm yet funky feel. Mixed into all the pure white is a bit of Kona snow just for kicks.
As of now, the mini is quilted, bound and almost done. I felt like it needed a little something special before it's sent on it's way, so I'm working on that still.
Pictures of the finished product to come, I promise.
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