If you aren't familiar with Katy of i'm a ginger monkey, you should definitely check her out. She does amazing work, and was most recently one of the hosts of the Single Girl Support Group.
She just hosted a giveaway for a GORGEOUS pillow made from the Single Girl pattern and a pile of really beautiful Liberty of London prints and GUESS WHAT??
I won!
I'm so over the top about this. In the 3 years I have been reading sewing blogs and entering giveaways I have only won one other giveaway, and thanks to the ever incompetent Canada Post, my prize never arrived. I'm sure it's sitting in limbo somewhere in a big warehouse in Ottawa or something like that.
Anyways, here it is:

Photo by: imagingermonkey
Seriously. I can't wait for it to get here. I'm sure it doesn't match anything in my house, but I think it will be my special pillow I carry around with me wherever I go.
Go ahead, get your jealousy on. :)
*claps hands wildly* I'm so happy you're excited!!! Yay!!!!
You lucky duck! congrats!
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