
In a fit of madness just a couple weeks before Christmas, I decided to make J a set of felt letters. Little did I know how much work would go into them! Approximately 35 hours of hand sewing later and they were done. I'm very happy with them, but I won't ever do it again. And I wish I had been able to find wool felt instead of the not so nice acrylic stuff.
I had a cute little hat box (tea cup box) lying around so I drew some cute letters on it and voila! Christmas Present done just 2 weeks late.

2. Finish Plain Spoken III
The quilt is coming along. I finished the third panel and am currently laying out the 4th. The plan is to spend my (unexpected!) day off tomorrow finishing the quilt top. Still no solution for quilting. I'm now considering the hand quilting option...I made a call to the LQS and they won't teach people or rent time on their machines. I'll keep thinking on that one.
4. Finish the Single Girl Quilt for dear patient hubby

Who knew that my lucky stars would align so nicely? I was feeling so motivated by finishing the 3rd panel of the Plain Spoken III quilt that I thought I would take my KJR fabric to work with me and do some cutting during naptime. THAT MORNING I checked my Google Reader and low and behold 3 wonderful bloggy women have put together the Single Girl Quilt Along and Support Group. Incredible!
Megan, Katy and Nova are working together to share tips, tricks and motivation for a group of us who have decided to get serious and finish an item made from the Single Girl Quilt pattern. Most of us have had it sitting for a significant amount of time.
The quilt along posts start on February 14 and they wrap up on March 28, so I guess if I keep on schedule I could have the quilt done in time for Joel's birthday on April 2nd! I figure if not, I'll put it away and give it to him for our anniversary, but that's in September and I don't know if I can wait that long!
Either way, I am feeling reinvigorated about this quilt. My plan is to have all the ring pieces cut by February 14th, that way I can piece the rings and all that and not have to worry about rushing to cut them all in a week.
That's all for now. I'm thinking of writing a random post about random stuff. That will come later.
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