Tuesday, November 11, 2008
too much reading, not enough posting!
For example, I've come to love a blog called Simplify by Camille Roskelley who owns a company called Thimble Blossoms with her mom. Camille is interesting to read, has beautiful pictures, and I am totally envious of her designing and quilting skills!
She just posted last night saying she is having a contest to give away a quilt! Yay! Basically, I can enter and tell her what my favourite quilt pattern of hers is, and then if I win, she will make the quilt for me in Cotton Blossoms fabric! So, here's hoping! If want to enter too (which you should) click here.
Monday, November 3, 2008
beep beep baby
Sunday, October 19, 2008
he's just so darn cute
On yet another wandering trip to the Home Depot we passed through the paint and stain aisle and found our perfect colour for the island! So, on Sunday afternoon and moved al our furniture out of the way in the living room, covered the floors with cardboard and started finishing our island. Somehow I managed to get it done between Sunday evening and the next morning, and even got the house put back together so we could have some friends over for "Anti-Thanksgiving". Basically, pizza, beer and tv instead of a turkey. Waaay less work. Lots of fun!
I also worked 20 extra hours this week. I was asked to work tech at a Promise Keepers rally our church was hosting. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Promise Keepers and working for them, but it turned out to be pretty fun. I met some great people, and I certainly got paid well to run the computer all weekend.
Needless to say, I'm now exhausted.
By the way, the picture above is Hubby getting geared up for the Montreal - Boston game. He's so cute in his jersey, and so excited to see his Habs lay the smack down the on the Bruins. He's holding the mug I made him at FireEscape in the summer too. Think he's much of a fan? He even bought me some awesome Montreal socks! Isn't he adorable? I do love him so.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
12 things

1. My name: Jessy 2. Favourite Food: Pizza 3. High School I attended: Lord Elgin 4. Favourite Colour: Green 5. Celebrity Crush: Zach Braff 6. Favourite Drink: Tea 7. Dream Vacation: Venice 8. Favourite Dessert: Cookies 9. What I want to be when I grow up: a Mom 10. Thing I love most in life: Snuggles 11. Word(s) to describe me: A work in progress 12. My Flickr name: jessyroos
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
This is...What's on My Desk
Monday, September 29, 2008
100 ideas so far
The cover. I stiched 6 groups of 5 pieces of paper together to make a journal with 120 pages. Then I decorated the cover. All while watching Scrubs on DVD.Day One: #90. Draw or write about some of the doors in your life.
I came across a couple of photos of pages that Keri Smith has done, and this was one of them. I decided to copy it into my book because I thought it was both interesting and true.
Day Two: #85. Cut a random shape out of several layers of a magazine. Make a collage out of the results. These shapes were all cut from a copy of PhotoLife Magazine. It is 5 pages of a story about Rural China.
Day 3: #34. Fill an entire page of your journal with small circles. Colour them in. Well, it's not an entire page, and they're not all coloured in, but I like it. I did most of this while I listened to our Pastor on Sunday.
Well, there you have it! The first few entries in my 100 ideas: A Work in Progress Journal
Sunday, September 28, 2008
washing windows

The point is, that as much as I can complain about being put to work cleaning windows, I can't hate it! In fact, it gives me a good 30 minutes to stare at the glorious sunrise. I am lucky enough that the sunrise I get to stare at is the one that slowly illuminates the Rocky Mountains, and the Springbank valley and the Bow River, and the fields of wheat and so on and so forth.
How could I possibly complain about that? Even if my lungs are being filled with the gentle mist of Windex.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
a good night
a morning date
It was nice to be out and walking around, enjoying great food and yummy coffee in an entirely overcrowded little cafe with him. Hubby even wore that wonderful knitted sweater I love so much!
Early in the afternoon we stopped by some friends house to check out their moving sale and picked up a cute gift for a family member, and on the way home decided it would be fun to wander through the Home Depot. Call me a nerd, but I love that place! It's filled with beautiful tiles, and carpets and appliances for me to lust after and lots of fancy power tools for hubby to drool on. We ended up picking up a couple of more "tools" to go with our Ryobi 1
I thought I'd share a little piece of funny looking inspiration from the day. The dumpster in the back parking lot of Nellies loked like this:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This is...My Favourite Childhood Book
When my brother and I were kids, our mom spent a lot of time reading to us. I always loved when the three of us would cuddle up together on the couch or in our parents big bed and read everything from Dr. Seuss to The Hobbit. I had many books I loved over the years, but my favourite has always been Garbage Delight by Dennis Lee. I was reminded of this in June when hubby and I went to Ontario and stayed with my mom and step-dad. She has been purging the house of clutter and found a collection of our books from our childhood and was kind enough to set them aside for me to take back home.
I love the beautiful colours and amazing illustrations in the book, and how every poem is just a little bit nonsensical. It's the perfect kind of book for me.
And this is my favourite poem:
Suzy Grew a Moustache
Suzy grew a moustache,
a moustache,
a moustache.
Suzy grew a moustache
and Polly grew a beard.
Suzy looked peculiar,
Suzy looked peculiar
and Polly looked absurd.
Suzy got the garden shears,
garden shears,
the garden shears.
Suzy got the garden shears
and Polly got a bomb.
Now, Suzy's face is smooth again,
smooth again,
smooth again.
Suzy's face is smooth again
and Polly's face is gone.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
finding inspiration can be frustrating
I have been overcome with the urge to be creative again in the last few months. I supposed it started a while ago, or maybe it's always been there, but a few months ago, I started to become interested in sewing. I have a few friends who are avid sewers and incredible quilt makers and their work started to awaken my creative side again. For my birthday, my husband bought me a gorgeous Janome Quilting and Embroidery sewing machine and again, my creative side was woken up a little more. Then, a few weeks before our first anniversary, as I was pondering (again) what to give my hubby, I couldn't ignore it any longer. "BE CREATIVE!" It seemed my soul was actually yelling at me!
Finally, I remembered a painting I had started 4 years ago. My husband is actually the one who asked me to paint it, even though at the time we barely knew each other. (Long story). I decided I would give him the completed painting as an anniversary present.
Since then I have been trying to find the inspiration I so desperately need to be creative. I read blogs and search random things on the internet hoping to find something that will spur me into action. I finally came across it the other day. 100 ideas - a work in progress was created by a woman named Keri Smith, who I now owe dearly for wonderful inspiration.
100 ideas is designed to be used with a journal and to me it is becoming an exercise in creativity. Each day I will pick one of the 100 squares and do what it says. I decided that if I was really going to force myself to learn to be creative everyday I should make a journal instead of buying one. So last night, for 3 hours I sat in front of Scrubs and sewed 120 pages into a book, decorated it and dedicated it to my 100 ideas experiment.
This is a pretty big commitment in my mind, because I'm not the most disciplined person, but I really think that this is just what I need to get out of my creativity slump and back to creating on a daily basis. The thought has even crossed my mind that it would be interesting to do the same 100 things every year in a new journal and watch the progress over time...
Today is day one. "#90. Write about or draw some of the doors in your life."
I've got three so far. The front door, the Yaris door, and the fridge doors. I'll post it when it's done.
For now: THIS IS...What's on my desk.