In trying to decide which quilt to write about, I really only considered which was my favourite. So far, it's probably a tie between The Wonky Baby Girl Quilt, The Sea of Blue Quilt, or the Plain Spoken II Quilt. Since I couldn't decide between them, and I haven't finished either of the 3 quilts I have on the go that might take top place, I decided to write about the quilt that I have learned the most from.
So, for the second time in just a month, let me write a bit about the Argyle Quilt of Doom. This time, instead of ranting or complaining, I will really explain the process and reason behind the quilt.

I guess this quilt actually started before I knew it. When my husband and I were married for barely six months, we had an opportunity to move out of our teeny tiny basement suite (a 500 square foot bachelor with no bathroom door, I kid you not!) and move into a bigger space with a roommate. The roommate would be Troy, a friend of Joel's from university. Though our time at University overlapped, I had not really spent any time with Troy, even though he was in our wedding. But Joel and him were good friends and he seemed like a really great guy so I was excited for the opportunity. Joel and I love hosting people in our house and generally living in community. I think it keeps us grounded and also helps us avoid becoming a little independent bubble couple.
Living with Troy turned out to be great! I quickly got to know him and appreciate living with a roommate. Troy became (even more) special to us over the almost 2 years that he lived with us. He witnessed the birth of my quilting obsession, and was always willing to offer an opinion on design, colour, layout, anything I asked.
At some point while he was living with us, I asked him what kind of quilt he would like (since obviously, everyone I know needs a quilt) and said he would really like an argyle quilt. I really wasn't sure how to do that, and had other projects on the go, so it got moved to the back burner.
And then, Troy met Amanda. And Amanda is perfect for Troy. We knew as soon as we met her that they would end up "happily ever after."
Photo by Vivid Photography in Nanaimo, B.C.
So, when the date was set, I knew I had to make the quilt. Even with all the struggles I had, I am really glad that I made it, and that it has found a home in the Dunham house.
I learned a lot through making this quilt. I learned that they way I made the quilt is probably not the easiest way I could have done it. I learned not to rely on Fabricland to stock anything. Even basic stuff. I learned how hard it is to quilt something that large on a machine with a relatively small throat. I learned what a great resource Ikea linens are. (Especially when they are on sale!) I learned that it's okay for things to be imperfect and I need to pick my battles when it comes to fixing mistakes. And finally, I learned that even though it is better to be late than never - it stresses me out to give a wedding gift months after the fact.

I love this quilt. But I don't plan on ever referring to it as anything but "The Argyle Quilt of Doom" because that's what it felt like to make. And unlike childbirth (not that I actually know this from experience) I haven't forgotten the pain of making it.

Thanks for this 'love' story, your quilt is beautiful.
Greetings from France
I love this quilt. Even when you 1st posted about it! THIS is one awesome quilt!!
What a wonderful pattern! Your quilt rocks!
I love your argyle quilt! Great design!
love your quilt!
Great quilt. I have to keep this in mind, its very wedding present friendly I think because the men will like it too!
It's a great quilt. I bet they were thrilled with it.
Great story for a great design and quilt. They will enjoy this one for many years! Fabulous!
This is such a lovely quilt. I really like the design and the colours you used. I like the quilting in the close-up photo.
What a wonderful gift!
"The quilt of doom" looks great.
This is a very familiar story for me. I decided to make a quilt (my first!!) as a wedding present for by best friend. She loves girly pretty pinks and patterns and her (now) husband likes manly and plain. So as a compromise i made one side (the front??) patterned and the other side a plain teal. I got off to a flying start, but the wedding soon crept up on me. I didn't deliver the quilt on time, much to my dissapoinment, but it is now with the rightful owners. They love it. It definitely isn't perfect and it definately is a quilt of DOOM!!!
Your quilt is beautiful.
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